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US water utilities are
expected to spend $70 billion
in 2025 to replace pipes.

We help water utilities optimize the inspection and replacement of water pipes using advanced analytics including Machine Learning.

Our process includes the following steps:

  • Collect the right data, clean, format and restructure it, ready for advanced analytics.  

  • Use a powerful Machine Learning algorithm to compute a Likelihood of Failure score for each pipe and each year in the future. 

  • Simulate multiple scenarios of pipes replacement, and look at their impact in terms of breaks, risk and cost reduction. 

All this, and much more, at the click of a button, using our newly-developed management platform, infraSOFT, allowing utilities to achieve tremendous savings in time and money.

We know you have choices.
Why infraPLAN?

Leading expert and data-rich

infraPLAN is the leading expert in the use of advanced analytics for water pipes R&R planning with 25 yrs. of experience in research, consulting and software development - and access to 1,000,000+ data points!

infraSOFT - Machine Learning-powered asset management platform 


infraSOFT, the extraordinary Machine Learning-powered platform developed by infraPLAN, generates very accurate results at the click of a button.

infraSOFT makes it possible to streamline all the analytical tasks necessary to develop an optimal plan of R&R. Planning process is now faster, and results are more accurate. 

Results we can explain

Machine Learning skeptic?  We deploy Machine Learning analytics for complex computations when we know results will benefit (for example, for data cleaning and failure forecasting). We also interpret and explain all "black box" results using our comprehensive suite of descriptive statistics. 

Flexible services

Our infraSOFT-based services are flexible.  We or your consultant can conduct a full project, or generate specific analytical results, or you do it yourself.  The platform is very user friendly. 

Incremental approach

No data or data quality issues? We help you collect the right data in the right format. We can also enrich your data with the 1,000,000+ data points at our disposal. Not ready for advanced analytics? We provide planning results with data as of now, and also put you on the path to better data and results. 

Exceptional validation

We have run hundreds of failure forecasting models.  We have seen hundreds of data sets.  Our deep knowledge of  the specificity of pipes and breaks data, and our modeling expertise have made it possible for us to develop a Machine Learning failure forecasting model with exceptional validation. Up to 75% of the breaks for the next 2 years have been predicted.


infraSOFT allows us to produce results faster, lowering the overall cost of a project.  Furthermore, because infraSOFT stems from our long consulting experience working with and for utilities, development costs have been lower, making the platform more affordable. 

Clients (300 - 6,500 miles)

  • San Jose Water, CA

  • Erie County Water Authority, NY

  • Portland Water District, ME

  • Baltimore County, MD

  • Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, MD 

  • Gwinnett County, GA 

  • Anchorage, AK 

  • Hingham-Hull, MA 

  • Oxford, MA 

  • Millbury, MA 

  • Hampton, NH

  • CERIU, Canada 

  • Dallas, TX

  • Denver, CO

  • San Diego, CA   

  • Los Angeles, CA  

  • Aquarion Water Company (23 systems), CT 

  • Columbus, OH  

  • Montreal, Canada  

  • New York, NY  

  • Philadelphia, PA  

  • Apple Rancho, CA  

  • Boston, MA  

  • Las Vegas, NV



Annie Vanrenterghem, Ph.D.



Luis Telfilo, Ph.D.




Charlie Fricke

Director of Sales


Joao Filgueiras


Data Scientist and Machine Learning Developer

Our advisors are leaders and
innovators in the field


Graham Belll, Ph.D, P.E., FNACE, F.ASCE


Marc Bracken, P.Eng

Contact us for a demo.
Ask us a question.

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